Using File Uploads in Templates

Learn how to enhance your report templates by incorporating file uploads as inputs for generating more comprehensive reports.

Welcome to Dimey AI! In this tutorial, we'll show you how to make your templates more dynamic by including files as inputs for generating comprehensive reports.

Step 1: Access Template Configuration Navigate to your template configuration page.

Step 2: Add File Upload Input

  • Under 'Inputs,' add a new question and assign it a question key.
  • Change the question type to 'File Upload.'
  • Add a question label for your users.
  • Provide instructions to the AI on how to use these files (e.g., "These files contain additional information about the business.").
  • Click 'Save' to confirm your changes.

Step 3: Prepare Your Files Ensure that the information in your files is in text format for optimal AI parsing and best results in your generated report.

Your template is now ready to accept file uploads as inputs for generating more comprehensive reports!

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