AI Tool Builder Assistant

Use this assistant to draft a report template. Once you publish it, you will be able to edit it's prompts and structure, generate as many reports as you want, share it with the world, add custom themes and more.

AI Tool Builder Assistant: Design Custom AI-Powered Tools in Minutes

Transform your expertise into powerful AI applications without coding. The Dimey.AI Tool Creation Assistant guides you through a simple process to create custom tool templates that generate tailored reports, guides, and more.

Create Your AI Tool in 4 Easy Steps

  1. Define Your Tool's Purpose: Tell us what kind of report or guide you want to create.
  2. Identify Your Audience: Specify who will be using your tool.
  3. Define Questions: Customize questions to gather the right information from users.
  4. Outline Your Report: Tell Dimey what key information should be included in the report.

Why Choose Dimey.AI Tool Creation Assistant?

  • No-Code Solution: Design sophisticated AI tools without any programming experience.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Draft your custom template in just minutes.
  • Flexible Editing: Easily refine your tool's structure, questions, and AI prompts after publishing.
  • Free Report Generation: Your free Dimey account includes free report credits for you to test your tool.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Our step-by-step assistant ensures a smooth creation process.
  • Endless Applications: Create guides, analyses, strategies – whatever your expertise covers.

What Happens After You Publish?

  • Continuous Improvement: Access your published template to make edits and refinements anytime.
  • Immediate Usability: Start generating free reports with your new tool right away.
  • Share Your Expertise: Let others benefit from your knowledge through your custom AI tool.

Start Building Your AI-Powered Tool Today

Join the no-code AI revolution with Dimey.AI. Our Tool Creation Assistant empowers you to encapsulate your unique knowledge into an interactive, AI-powered tool. Whether you're a dog trainer creating walking guides, a financial advisor designing investment strategies, or a wellness coach crafting personalized health plans – Dimey.AI helps you scale your expertise.

Ready to transform your knowledge into an AI-powered tool? Start with the Tool Creation Assistant today and see your expertise come to life in an interactive, shareable format!