Collecting and Managing Leads

Learn how to use Dimey AI to collect leads and grow your audience by sharing public templates and managing generated reports.

Welcome to Dimey AI! In this tutorial, we'll show you how to efficiently collect and manage leads using our platform.

Step 1: Set Up Lead Collection

  • Share your public templates with your audience.
  • Include a required email field in your template inputs.

Step 2: View and Export Leads

  • Once users generate reports, you'll see new leads in the Leads tab.
  • Easily export your leads to a CSV file for further analysis or outreach.

Step 3: Access Detailed Lead Information

  • Open a lead's page to view detailed information about them and the reports they've generated.

Step 4: Filter Reports by Leads

  • Go to the Reports tab and use the 'My Leads' filter to view all reports generated by your leads.

By utilizing Dimey AI's lead collection features, you can efficiently track and manage your growing audience, turning report generation into a powerful tool for audience engagement and growth.

Ready to get started?

Create a custom report template tailored to your specific needs in minutes for free.