Adding Calls to Action in Reports

Learn how to incorporate Calls to Action (CTAs) in your Dimey AI reports to engage users more effectively and boost your business's impact.

Welcome to Dimey AI! In this tutorial, we'll show you how to add Calls to Action (CTAs) to your reports, enhancing user engagement and directly connecting with your audience.

Step 1: Access Report Outline Go to your template configuration page and scroll down to 'Report Outline.'

Step 2: Add a CTA Section

  • Add a new section to your report.
  • Change the type of this new section to 'Call to Action.'

Step 3: Configure Your CTA

  • Add a category and title for your CTA.
  • Provide a description to contextualize your CTA.
  • Set the text for the CTA button.
  • Specify the URL where you want users to be directed when they click the button.

Step 4: Preview Your CTA You can preview how the CTA will appear in your report directly from the configuration page.

By including CTAs in your reports, you create opportunities for users to engage with your services directly from the generated reports, potentially increasing interaction and boosting your business's impact.

Ready to get started?

Create a custom report template tailored to your specific needs in minutes for free.